Werner Handle GmbH is an Austrian-based limited liability company advising corporate groups in the transaction and trade of foodstuffs and commodities in mass demand.
Registered Office:
Werner Handle GmbH
Am Gutshof 1
A-2171 Herrnbaumgarten
Tel: +43 2555 24433
Fax: +43 2555 24433
Handelsgericht Korneuburg
FN 1529258w
UID: ATU41836206
Werner Handle GmbH is represented by its Managing Director Werner Handle.
Please read the Terms and Conditions contained in this document carefully since any use of this website and/or application constitutes your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions set out herein. Throughout this site, the terms "we", "us", "our" and "Werner Handle GmbH" refer to the Werner Handle GmbH. “You” refers to any person accessing and/or using this website and/or application. The information contained on this website has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing information about Werner Handle GmbH, including its partners and the services they offer. Whilst we use all reasonable attempts to ensure the accuracy and completeness of information on this website and/or application, we are not responsible if the information that we make available on this website and/or application is not accurate or complete. Any reliance upon the material on this website and/or application shall be at your own risk. You agree that it is your responsibility to monitor any changes to the material and the information contained on this website and/or application. Any use of free online translation services is at your own risk. We are not responsible for any third party translations of this website and/or application. Links on this website and/or applications may take you outside Werner Handle's network and systems and Werner Handle GmbH accepts no responsibility for the content, accuracy or function of these other third party websites. The links are provided in good faith and Werner Handle GmbH cannot be held responsible for any subsequent change in other third party websites to which we provide a link. The inclusion of any link to other websites does not imply endorsement by Werner Handle GmbH. We highly recommend that you make yourself aware of and carefully read the legal and privacy notices of all other websites that you visit. Your use of this website and/or application is at your own and exclusive risk. This website and/or application is provided to you on an "As Is" and "As Available" basis and, consequently, Werner Handle GmbH gives no warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise (including the implied warranties of merchantability or satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose) including warranties or representations that material on this website and/or application will be complete, accurate, reliable, timely, non-infringing to third parties, that access to this website and/or application will be un-interrupted or error-free or free from viruses, that this website and/or application will be secure, that any advice or opinion obtained from Werner Handle GmbH through this website and/or application is accurate or to be relied upon and any representations or warranties thereto are accordingly expressly disclaimed. Please note that some jurisdictions may not allow exclusions of implied warranties, so some of these exclusions may not apply to you. Please check your local laws. We reserve the right to restrict, suspend or terminate without notice your access to this website and/or application or any feature of this website and/or application or any feature or part thereof at any time. Werner Handle GmbH and/or any other party involved in the creating, producing or delivering this website and/or application on our behalf shall have no liability or any responsibility whatsoever for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, special or punitive damages, costs, losses or liabilities whatsoever and howsoever arising out of your access to, use, inability to use, change in content of this website and/or application or arising from any other website you access through a link from this website and/or application or to the extent permitted by applicable law, from any actions we take or fail to take as a result of any electronic mail messages you send us. Werner Handle GmbH and/or any other party involved in the creating, producing or delivering this website and/or application shall have no responsibility to maintain the material and services made available on this website and/or application or to supply any corrections, updates, or releases in connection therewith. Any material on this website and/or application is subject to change without notice. Further, Werner Handle GmbH shall have no liability or any responsibility whatsoever for any loss suffered caused by viruses that may infect your computer equipment or other property by reason of your use of, access to or downloading of any material from this website and/or application. If you choose to download material from this website and/or application you do so at your own risk. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you expressly waive all claims against Werner Handle GmbH its officers, directors, employees, suppliers and programmers that may arise from your use or access of this website and/or application. You are prohibited from doing any act that Werner Handle GmbH in its absolute discretion may deem to be inappropriate and/or would be deemed to be an unlawful act or is prohibited by any laws applicable to this website and/or application including but not limited to:
Werner Handle GmbH makes no representations that the material and information on this website and/or application are appropriate or available in all national locations or languages. You and Werner Handle GmbH agree that any controversy or claim arising from or pertaining to the use of this website and/or application shall be governed by Austrian law and be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Austria. We reserve the right to make any changes and corrections to this notice. Please refer to this page from time to time to review these and new additional information.
We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of visitors to our websites. Please read the following policy to understand how your information will be treated. This policy may vary from time to time so please check it regularly. Any significant changes to this policy will be clearly indicated on our home page. You are not required to provide any personal information on the public areas of this website. However, you may choose to do so by completing the application forms on various sections of our websites, including: Career and Contact. We will only use the information you provide to us on these sections of the website in order to process the relevant application form. Please note that in order to process your application form we may on occasion be required to share your information with our associated firms around the world and any third parties who provide services on our behalf. In relation to any other third parties we will only disclose your information where you have given your consent or where we are required to do so by law. When you visit our website our server will record your IP address together with the date, time and duration of your visit. An IP address is an assigned number, similar to a telephone number, which allows your computer to communicate over the Internet. It enables us to identify which organisations have visited this website. We use this information to compile statistical data on the use of our website to track how users navigate through our site in order to enable us to evaluate and improve our site. We use up-to-date data storage and security techniques to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorised modification or unlawful destruction or accidental loss. All our employees and any third parties we engage to process your personal information are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your information. All copyright and other intellectual property rights in all text, images and other materials on this website are the property of Werner Handle GmbH or are included with the permission of the relevant owner. You are permitted to browse this website, reproduce extracts by way of printing, downloading to a hard disk or for the purposes of distribution to other individuals. This is only to be done on the proviso that you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices and that the above trademark notice appears on such reproductions. No reproduction of any part of this website may be sold or distributed for commercial gain nor shall it be modified or incorporated in any other work, publication or website. The trademarks, logos, characters and service marks (collectively "Trademarks") displayed on this website belong to Werner Handle GmbH Nothing contained on this website should be construed as granting any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on this website. Your use/misuse of the Trademarks displayed on this website, or on any other content on thhis website, except as provided for in these Terms and Conditions, is strictly prohibited. You are also advised that Werner Handle GmbH will aggressively enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law including criminal prosecution for serious offences.
Werner Handle GmbH
Handel von Nahrungs- und Genussmitteln aller Art.
Am Gutshof 1
A-2171 Herrnbaumgarten
Tel: +43 2555 24433
Fax: +43 2555 24433
Firmensitz: 2171 Herrnbaumgarten, Österreich
Handelsgericht Korneuburg
FN 1529258w
UID: ATU41836206
Mitglied der WKO
Anwendbare Rechtsvorschriften: Gewerbeordnung
Aufsichtsbehörde, Gewerbebehörde: Magistratisches Bezirksamt für den 1. und 8. Bezirk
Vertreten durch den Geschäftsführer Werner Handle, geschäftsansässig unter der zuvor genannten Anschrift.
Anliegen der Website: Bereitstellung von Informationen zum Unternehmen Werner Handle GmbH, zum Markenportfolio, sowie zur Wertschöpfung als Kernprinzip der Geschäftstätigkeit.
Werner Handle GmbH ist ausschließlich für Inhalte verantwortlich, die sie selbst erstellt, veröffentlicht und verbreitet. Werner Handle GmbH haftet nicht für Inhalte, die in www.handle.at verbreitet werden, noch für Schäden, die daraus entstehen, es sei denn, dass solche Schäden von Werner Handle GmbH selbst vorsätzlich oder grob fahrlässig herbeigeführt werden. Die vorstehende Regelung gilt für alle Arten von Schäden, insbesondere Schäden, die durch Fehler, Verzögerungen oder Unterbrechungen in der Übermittlung, unrichtige Inhalte, Verlust oder Löschung von Daten, Viren oder in sonstiger Weise bei der Nutzung des Online-Dienstes entstehen können. Werner Handle GmbH ist nicht in der Lage, Inhalte (zB Kommentare) von Verfassern im Voraus zu prüfen.Der Verfasser haftet für seinen Inhalt selbst. Der Verfasser garantiert der Werner Handle GmbH die Einhaltung aller gesetzlichen Bestimmungen, die Innehabung aller notwendigen Rechte und die Wahrung von vertraglichen Verpflichtungen. Eine Haftung der Werner Handle GmbH aus welchem Grund auch immer ist ausgeschlossen. Inhalte geben nicht notwendigerweise die Meinung der Werner Handle GmbH wieder. Werner Handle GmbH behält sich vor, bei Kenntnis von rechtswidrigen Inhalten, den guten Sitten widersprechende oder sonst dem Ansehen der Werner Handle GmbH zuwiderlaufende Inhalte, diese zu löschen und den Zugriff darauf zu sperren; Ansprüche gegen die Werner Handle GmbH können in diesem Fall nicht gestellt werden. Werner Handle GmbH ehält sich ausdrücklich vor, Schadenersatzansprüche geltend zu machen und Strafanzeige bei relevanten Tatbeständen zu erstatten. Die Verfasser haben die Werner Handle GmbH in jedem Fall vollkommen schad- und klaglos zu halten.
Werner Handle GmbH ist ausschließlich für Inhalte verantwortlich, die sie selbst erstellt, veröffentlicht und verbreitet. Werner Handle GmbH haftet nicht für Inhalte, die in www.handle.at verbreitet werden, noch für Schäden, die daraus entstehen, es sei denn, dass solche Schäden von Werner Handle GmbH selbst vorsätzlich oder grob fahrlässig herbeigeführt werden. Die vorstehende Regelung gilt für alle Arten von Schäden, insbesondere Schäden, die durch Fehler, Verzögerungen oder Unterbrechungen in der Übermittlung, unrichtige Inhalte, Verlust oder Löschung von Daten, Viren oder in sonstiger Weise bei der Nutzung des Online-Dienstes entstehen können. Werner Handle GmbH ist nicht in der Lage, Inhalte (zB Kommentare) von Verfassern im Voraus zu prüfen.Der Verfasser haftet für seinen Inhalt selbst. Der Verfasser garantiert der Werner Handle GmbH die Einhaltung aller gesetzlichen Bestimmungen, die Innehabung aller notwendigen Rechte und die Wahrung von vertraglichen Verpflichtungen. Eine Haftung der Werner Handle GmbH aus welchem Grund auch immer ist ausgeschlossen. Inhalte geben nicht notwendigerweise die Meinung der Werner Handle GmbH wieder. Werner Handle GmbH behält sich vor, bei Kenntnis von rechtswidrigen Inhalten, den guten Sitten widersprechende oder sonst dem Ansehen der Werner Handle GmbH zuwiderlaufende Inhalte, diese zu löschen und den Zugriff darauf zu sperren; Ansprüche gegen die Werner Handle GmbH können in diesem Fall nicht gestellt werden. Werner Handle GmbH ehält sich ausdrücklich vor, Schadenersatzansprüche geltend zu machen und Strafanzeige bei relevanten Tatbeständen zu erstatten. Die Verfasser haben die Werner Handle GmbH in jedem Fall vollkommen schad- und klaglos zu halten.